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Free Publicity continued

...a "pool", a "supply" of these good, responsive media contacts to choose from and to work with.

You can go ferret all that out for yourself. You can get most of what you need out of about two dozen different directories available in most major city libraries. The ones in your library might be a couple years old, so you'll then have to call each place and verify the person's name. But you can do it that way.

However, there IS a really incredible computer list of the email addresses of nearly 12,000 media contacts. (Think of it; 12,000 people all hungry for a "good story". 12,000 people who have the ability to give you millions of dollars of free publicity! You can send email can't you? Email costs nearly nothing to send. You can do that, can't you?)

You can import or transfer the information in this special computer list into most any database or email program. If you need an email program to send your releases, you can get one from this web site.

In minutes, you can sort out and select a targeted list of editors, reporters, program directors, or whatever. You can go through, choose the ones you want, and pop 'em out.

The entire list of nearly 12,000 email address costs just $99.00. If you went and bought all the directories you'd need, in printed form, to pull together this same information, you'd spend at least $700.00. Then you'd have to enter all that information into your computer.  But you can get them from me for just $99.00.

Of Course, You Have A Lot More Questions

There ARE a zillion little nit-picky things that, all added together, make a big difference in winning or losing. Like: after I send or FAX/email the release, do I call? If so, how soon? Or do I send something else? What about postcards? How do I schedule interviews ? I've never done an interview before - can I do this well? How do I spot and protect myself from hostile interviewers? What are the "secret power words" that cause buyers to come forward as a result of publicity ? And on and on and on.

Let me assure you that I have answers to every possible, conceivable question. I have made this a simple, step-by-step, fail-safe, screw-up proof, quick to implement System that anybody can use. So, let me tell you exactly what is in my System and how you can obtain it:

Two Options You Can Choose From, To Put My System
And ME to Work Getting You A Ton Of Valuable,
Profitable, Moneymaking Publicity

When I decided to put together a System that would empower people to do everything I do for themselves, I decided I would charge less for it than most "professional" publicists or "PR experts" would charge you for an hour or to write one 'textbook-dull' news release. Even though my System is worth a whole lot more than that for reasons that I hope are obvious, I have stuck to that original decision - so the BASIC EDITION of my COMPLETE PUBLICITY SYSTEM requires an investment of just $497.00. And here's everything that's included:

  1. My "MILLION DOLLARS OF FREE PUBLICITY" MASTER MANUAL -- a huge manual with step-by-step instructions for finding your hook, crafting your message, writing a killer press release, assembling the other documents, and more. Also included: SAMPLES, SAMPLES, SAMPLES!!! Here are the exact releases and other tools that I have used successfully. There are "models" you can use for every purpose. There are also detailed instructions for handling the media exposure and opportunities you attract, so that you turn every opportunity into CASH!
  2. With the Manual comes my "PRIME CONTACTS DIRECTORY": over 2,000 names, addresses, phone numbers, FAX numbers, etc. for some of the best media contacts in the country. (Get the Nearly 12,000 Media Contacts Email List separately)
  3. SIX AUDIO CASSETTES that go beyond the Manual...I discuss every step of this process, from ideas to giving persuasive interviews without nervousness. This is like having me sit down and coach you person-to-person on all my moneymaking techniques.
  4. A FULL YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO MY NEWSLETTER that keeps you up-to-date on my latest discoveries, success examples you can learn from, new contacts, opportunities and more.

All of that, $497.00. And I'll quickly remind you: how many times have you flushed $497 right down the toilet on different kinds of paid advertising that failed you? This is a System you'll use over and over and over again to get mountains of free publicity designed to produce measurable, profitable results.... cash profits.

I also have a DELUXE Edition of my System. You get everything that's in Basic PLUS PERSONAL ASSISTANCE FROM ME: you get Certificates good for two Critiques of your Press Releases. You can mail or FAX in your releases and I'll personally review them, tighten them up, give you suggestions for improvement - and my usual fee for doing this is $250.00, so this is a $500.00 value. To encourage you to go this way, I also have a collection of four Special Reports that I'll include, too:

#1: HOW TO GET ON OPRAH, SALLY AND THE OTHER MAJOR TV SHOWS. Here's the exact strategy I used - and it's different from the standard, "front door" approach.

#2: HOW TO REACH THE 24 HOTTEST MEDIA CONTACTS ON THE PLANET. These are the 24 people I have identified as the most influential in the business. I'll give you an extra strategy to be sure your releases get read by these 24 super-influential and powerful media contacts. Plus, I'll give you their names, addresses, phone and FAX numbers.

#3: HOW TO FLOOD THE MEDIA WITH YOUR INFORMATION ABSOLUTELY FREE. Here's a nifty little technique that uses your computer instead of FAX to roll your release out to a huge number of good media contacts without even a penny of expense. This alone will save you more money than the entire System requires as your investment.

#4: QUICK START & REVIEW GUIDE. In just 4 pages, I overview/review all the Steps of my System. You can refer to this every time you roll out a promotion.

Each report is a $69 value, the certificates a $500 value, the Basic System $497, so this DELUXE EDITION should require $1,273.00. But you need invest only $697.00. (You save a juicy $576.00)

Oh, I'll also send you (while my supply lasts) an actual, authentic, collectors piece of the Brooklyn Bridge, mounted, ready for framing. I want you to look at it every day and be inspired to use free publicity to make your fortune. (And it very well may be worth more than the whole System in years to come.)

"How Can I Be Sure Your System Will Work For Me?"

There just aren't any real guarantees in life. You might get zip. You might also get hit by a bus tomorrow. All I can do is this: first, tell you that I've never yet heard of a "case" where free publicity couldn't be made to pay off in a big way, and second, I give you:

TWO 3-month, No-Risk, Money-Back Guarantees

I'm so confident that you'll be able to use my system to put stacks of cold, hard cash right into your bank account that I'm willing to guarantee it. In fact, I'll give you two 3-month guarantees.

First, if any time within 3 months of your purchase you're not completely satisfied with my system, if it isn't screamingly obvious to you how much money you can make using my system, return everything in original condition for a full refund of the purchase price. No ifs, ands or buts. You've got to be happy.

Second - read this one carefully - you also get my

$10,000 Money-Back, No-Risk Guarantee!

When you put my system to work for you in that time, you must get at least $10,000 worth of publicity.

That means I guarantee that you'll get newspaper stories, magazine articles, radio interviews or TV interviews. If you had to pay cash for that same amount of advertising it would cost you a minimum of $10,000.

So, you can keep on spending your hard-earned money on ads that may or may not work. (I'm not interested in that kind of gamble!)

Or, you can put the incredible power of publicity to work for you and have the opportunity to get thousands of dollars worth of "free advertising" for the cost of a typical lunch.

And everything is guaranteed. I'm taking all the risk for you. You have absolutely no risk at all! How can you possibly lose?

Use the Online Order Form and let me rush this powerful System to you, so you can quickly start reaping the profits and benefits of cranking up your own "free publicity machine".


Paul Hartunian

PS: For as little as $497 (Basic System) you get all the strategies, process steps, documents, samples, examples, case histories, scripts and contacts I've used to get millions of dollars of free publicity -- how can you say no to such a tremendous value? I even guarantee your satisfaction. Sure, this IS a serious investment. But when you compare it to the costs of paid advertising, and know how much more valuable publicity done right can be, you've got to see it as a very small investment certain to yield big dividends.

There's also big competitive advantages for you here. After all, everybody knows how to buy advertising. And your competitors do that. Maybe competitors who are bigger than you buy a lot more advertising than you do and that makes things tough for you. But few learn how to get free publicity. By doing that, you can gain a big edge over your competition, even those bigger than you are.

PPS: My system has been used by people around the country. People just like you. Don't take my word for it that this system works. Read the testimonials of my students.

Ready to Order? Go to the Online Order Form Now!

Also, be sure to get your copy of the Nearly 12,000 Media Contacts Email List


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