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Free Publicity continued

...I ever dreamed possible. That was my "Brooklyn Bridge" venture.

Now! here's what I "perfected" as a result of "selling the Brooklyn Bridge"....thousands and thousands of dollars worth of it!...using free publicity:

  1. How to come up with the "hook" that turns the ordinary into the extraordinarily interesting, that makes a great "human interest story" that attracts media curiosity like a picnic attracts ants.
  2. How to use that "hook" as the basis for a simple one page "press release" that WILL get read. (The examples in most ordinary books on publicity are worthless, by the way.)
  3. The one kind of little-understood, little-used question or statement that MUST be in a news release to get the media people to CALL YOU and INTERVIEW YOU (Here's a HARTUNIAN SECRET for you: you do NOT want a newspaper or magazine or radio host to use your release "as is". No you do NOT want that. That's how you get a few inches or 30 seconds. No. The job of the release is to get them to call you, thirsty for more. That's how you get a FULL PAGE or A HALF HOUR!)
  4. The one question you MUST ask before agreeing to do an interview -- otherwise you'll just be spinning your wheels and you won't make any money.
  5. How to give compelling, persuasive, exciting interviews that draw customers to you and create sales. (By the way, this is all done sitting on your duff, at home. 99.9% of all the interviews I've ever done or do are by phone, at home. I can be parked there butt naked scratching where you should never scratch and be making money. Last year, I broke my leg and had it stuck in a big, clumsy cast - but that didn't slow me down. With that cast propped up, I sat there sipping lemonade and still made $300, $500, even $1,000 an hour just talking on the people who pursued me and asked me to give them interviews.)

Now, those five secrets alone can help you launch a new product, business or idea and get lots of free "ink" in newspapers, magazines, newsletters and, if you want it, radio and TV exposure. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. For example. . .

When Johnny Carson Called, I Discovered Yet Another
Valuable Secret Of Making Truckloads Of Money
From Free Publicity

Right here, I'm going to reveal something very few people understand about "the domino effect of publicity". This secret can make you rich, so pay close attention.

When the people from the Johnny Carson Show called me out of the blue (I had not sent them anything), they told me it was because they saw a story about me and the Brooklyn Bridge in a small Midwestern town's newspaper.

You see, the secret is:

BIG publicity opportunities often come from small publicity.

THE BIGGIES -- The Tonight Show, Letterman, Today, USA TODAY, National Enquirer, etc. -- have staff members constantly scouring "little media" like small town newspapers, small town radio and TV shows, specialty magazines looking for the news, different or odd.

Now most people seeking publicity ignore all the "small" stuff.

Why bother with that, they ask? Who cares if some weekly newspaper in Podunk, Iowa writes about me? What good is that?

They're wrong.

Johnny Carson gave TEN MINUTES of air time to talking about me and my Brooklyn Bridge deal. TEN MINUTES on The Tonight Show. Do you know what it would cost just to buy 10 minutes on that show? And to hire Carson or, today, Leno to do that commercial for you? Millions. You really CAN'T buy that kind of promotion. But you CAN get it free with publicity.

New Technology Makes What Was Time-Consuming And
Expensive Suddenly Fast, Easy and Cheap; That's Why
Now Is The Best Time Ever To Use My System
To Get Rich

Early on, as I perfected the parts of my System, I had to do everything the slow and hard way. News releases had to be typeset, taken to a printer, then put in envelopes, the envelopes addressed, postage bought and put on, and schlepped down to the post office. And, unfortunately, a lot of the news releases got screened out in the mailrooms and never got delivered into the hands of anybody who could do anything with them.

But new technology has changed all that.

First of all, there's desktop publishing. You've probably got a PC and some kind of simple word processing software. Well, with that, you can sit down and create a professional, attention-commanding news release (as well as the other "tools" I use and teach) in minutes.

When the occasion demands it, it's easy to personalize the individual releases. It's also easy to store it all and make small changes easily and instantly.

Second, the best thing for me since air: "broadcast FAX." This is perfect for the "publicity blitz". Get this: I can show you how to FAX a one page press release anywhere in the country for just 15 cents after 5 PM. That's cheap! No envelope, no copying, no postage. Zap. 15 cents. It's there in 30 seconds. But what's even more exciting (and profitable) is that it's just as easy to FAX 1,000 of them as it is to FAX just 1. No more work. You can "blast out" 100, 500 or 1,000 of the press releases to 100, 500 or 1,000 different contacts all at one time, instantly, with the push of a button or a phone call. You don't even do the FAXing - it's done for you.

It's instant.

It's easy.

It's dirt cheap.

Does it work?

A broadcast-FAXed news release is what got me a TWO PAGE ARTICLE, IN COLOR, IN FORBES MAGAZINE.

If I bought two pages of advertising in Forbes, I'd pay between $50,000 and $75,000.

I paid fifteen cents.

Which price do you like better: $75,000 or 15 cents?

For $100.00, just $100.00, I -- you -- can conduct an instant publicity blitz to 700 selected media contacts.

This is a great, cheap way to "test" a new idea, story, product or 'pitch'. This is a great way to respond to a very timely event, to link yourself to what's going on in the news. And, if only ONE out of the 100 contacts choose to do something with you, that'll get you exposure ("advertising") to thousands or tens of thousands or maybe hundreds of thousands of people....and bring lots of buyers running to you via your toll-free 800 number, recorded message, address or whatever. All for a hundred bucks!

If you go out and buy advertising, what can you get for a hundred bucks?

Not much.

Next, there's...

Continued on Page 3


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